
Safety Alert Watch

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Our Philosophy

GDN have its foundation in the provision of highly innovative technical solutions to business. The convergence of the smart phone as a hand held computer with  other new technologies has provided individuals and organisations world wide to be able to take a quantum leap in safety response at home, work or travel – globally. Global Safety Alerts is an application covering 130 countries and in 15 languages, to support a global solution to better safety and improved productivity.

GSA provides individuals and business with the tools to achieve:

  • Easy to use App on your smart phone for real time safety
  • Global multi lingual safety solution to improve productivity and save costs
  • Replace paperwork procedures and policies with a fully digital solution
  • Highest level of personal safety with new features – panic situations, travel planner, Track Me anywhere
  • Easier, more productive corporate compliance for safety, work procedures, policies, equipment logs
  • Site familiarisation, induction cards, visitor ID
  • Real time multi lingual emergency alerts
  • Real time emergency response, auto roll call, evacuation awareness
  • Digitised work and safety procedures
  • WASP – Work & Safety Pad – custom designed to monitor & alert for physical hazards – gases, chemicals, temperature, noise
  • Fire extinguisher map location, fire application and maintenance program
  • Improved support to OHS and management teams
  • Real time reporting designed to your needs
  • All modes work together to maximise a safe environment

Patent Pending
Copyright © 2015 – 2017 by Global Network Work. All rights reserved.
No part of this software application or peripheral devices may be reproduced, decompiled, distributed or transmitted in any form or means, including scanning, photos, photocopying, recording and reverse engineering either electronically or mechanically.
Without the prior permission of Global Drawing Network.


Global Safety Alerts Technology Preview

Global Safety Alerts is a new innovative software connects all people globally to safety alerts.   Personal / Family mode, Corporate / Business mode, Tourism / Travel mode WASP is a WHS aid to assist in monitoring a safe ambient environment for all employees.

Developer: Global Drawing Network’s vision is to provide a method of alerting of possible easily and quickly regardless of your location. We believe a quicker response to safety can save a life. “Global Safety Alert” has been developed to alert and notify of possible safety concerns.

Language Support: English, Thai, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Greek, French, Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, German, Japanese, Sri Lankan, Arabic, Persian.

Provide feedback. We value your support in helping us deliver a global safety alert system that adds real benefits to all users.  Any errors, omissions or additional features that you think could improve this software for all users to benefit please send us your feedback

Conclusion: If we are successful in helping to save someone’s life then this software has been a success.  The team from Global Drawing Network would like to thank you in advance and also thank everyone who has helped to make “Global Safety Alert” a success.

Personal / Family Safety

  • GSA – a new personal aid to assist in improving the safety of you, your family, friends or colleagues globally.
  • Real time easy to use App for use on your smart phone for maximum personal protection
  • Track Me -travelling locally or internationally you can plan trips via Google maps, to stay connected to family & friends.
  • Create your own emergency contacts to initiate auto alerts for panic situations or when you do not complete a planned trip or deviate from it.
  • Create favorite trips from home to work, school or anywhere.


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    Safety Zone Travel

    Sends alarm notifications if your loved ones or those on a work related travel go outside the set boundary that you set. Read more

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    Track Me

    “Unsure about the journey ahead? “Track Me” records your trip in real time anywhere. Read more

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    “Panic” can send urgent alarm notifications including your location & time to your personal emergency contacts. Read more

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    Emergency Services Contacts

    Emergency calls to Emergency Services has never been so easy Read more

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    Two-Way Messaging

    Government departments or Emergency services can notify you of threats or emergency events. Read more

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    Setting reminders and share with others  Read more

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    Send text, photos, video, audio to friends, one to one or groups in real time  Read more

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    Tourist Travel

    Provides government agencies with a powerful tool to assist in providing a safe tourist environment.  Read more

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    Safety Zone Travel

    Sends alarm notifications if your loved ones or those on a work related travel go outside the set boundary that you set.

    Read more

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    Track Me

    “Unsure about the journey ahead? “Track Me” records your trip in real time anywhere.

    Read more

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    “Panic” can send urgent alarm notifications including your location & time to your personal emergency contacts.

    Read more

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    Emergency Services Contacts

    Emergency calls to Emergency Services has never been so easy

    Read more

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    Two-Way Messaging

    Government departments or Emergency services can notify you of threats or emergency events.

    Read more

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    Setting reminders and share with others

    Read more

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    Send text, photos, video, audio to friends, one to one or groups in real time

    Read more

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    Tourist Travel

    Provides government agencies with a powerful tool to assist in providing a safe tourist environment.

    Read more

Corporate / Business Safety

  • Digital site familiarisation and induction
  • Emergency Alert Notifications
  • Two way communication on emergencies or events – send & receive pics, texts, calls
  • WASP – work & safety pad – monitor physical hazards in real time – gas, chemical, noise, temperature, movement alerts
  • Emergency Response/Roll Call/Evacuation
  • Auto Population of locations to ensure everyone is safe or not
  • Improve accountability and compliance with Digital Safety and Work Procedures
  • Help your employees compete their work procedures accurately and be more accountable
  • Digital HR and other employee policies ie OHS, HR
  • Digital Equipment logs
  • Improved safety for employee international travel
  • Optional library text converted to user’s language when received from foreign language – multilingual


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    Site Familiarisation

    360 Degree Photography of work environment.

    Read more

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    Induction Card

    GSA’s interactive digital Induction Card shows current access
    status and employment information.

    Read more

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    WHS Support Team

    WHS Team – Speed Dial Phone Book

    Read more

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    Emergency Response Roll Call Evacuations

    On Line 24/7 to locate every employee for their safety.

    Read more

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    Emergency Services Contacts

    WHS Team – updated to suit employees and visitors site location.

    Read more

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    First Aid Support

    First Aid topics for reference.

    Read more

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    Fire Extinguisher selection guide and location finder.

    Read more

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    Safety Compliance

    Limit liability and improve corporate due diligence.

    Read more

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    HR Policies

    Customised feature.

    Read more

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    Work and Safety Procedures

    Remotely monitor employees safe working conditions.

    Read more

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    Site Familiarisation

    360 Degree Photography of work environment.

    Read more

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    Induction Card

    GSA’s interactive digital Induction Card shows current access

    Read more

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    WHS Support Team

    WHS Team – Speed Dial Phone Book

    Read more

  • null

    Emergency Response Roll Call Evacuations

    On Line 24/7 to locate every employee for their safety.

    Read more

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    Emergency Services Contacts

    WHS Team – updated to suit employees and visitors site location

    Read more

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    First Aid Support

    First Aid topics for reference.
    First Aid Equipment Location finder.

    Read more

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    Fire Extinguisher selection guide and location finder.

    Read more

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    Safety Compliance

    Limit liability and improve corporate due diligence.

    Read more

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    HR Policies

    Customised feature.
    Clearly communicate policies to all employees.
    Read more

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    Work and Safety Procedures

    Remotely monitor employees safe working conditions.

    Read more

How It Works

Tourism / Travel Safety

  • Adjusts globally to identify where you are and the local information to best support your safety
  • Track me provides real time location identification locally or globally
  • Alert a number of emergency contacts you can create.
  • Alert your contacts automatically by sms or email when you do not arrive at a destination, veer from the planned trip or when the panic button is activated.
  • Stay in touch with family, friends or colleagues at home or globally
  • Globally adjusts to your location where ever you are
  • Plan safe zone trips and save to favourites for your regular travel – if you do not complete the trip, emergency alerts are activated
  • When you travel to foreign destinations GSA identifies the local embassy and emergency contacts for you – 130 countries
  • Reminders, chat mode provides for 2 way communication


 Coming Soon

Work and Safety Pad

Global Safety Alert’s ambient monitoring interface, the WASP has been designed to assist employers to monitor safe working environments for employees remotely.


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    Carbon monoxide (CO)

  • null

    Carbon dioxide (CO2)

  • null

    Ammonia (NH3)

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  • null

    Carbon monoxide (CO)

  • null

    Carbon dioxide (CO2)

  • null

    Ammonia (NH3)

How It Works

Our Vision

Our Vision is to provide a reliable and quality service for customers. With experience in software database and manufacturing we are able to blend these disciplines, which can create opportunities to value add into a broader range of services. A team with a passion for design and innovative solutions Using the latest software and related technologies we love to design

GSA Partner

GSA is part of GDN Group,

Winner of Thailand’s 4th I.C.T. Innovation Application Awards 2015

Sponsored by the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology. (



The GDN Kids Network began as a simple gesture of kindness toward children in Australia experiencing unfortunate circumstances. Helping children was such a blessing that the GDN family was moved to extend their reach beyond these borders to help other less fortunate families.

Today, the GDN Kids Network is operational in Australia, Thailand, and the Philippines. But we are not done yet! We want to reach the far corners of the world, and so we are looking forward to partnering with more dedicated individuals and agencies to get there.

Stay Tuned for Upcoming Events!

Become a GSA Software Agent

Contact Us

GDN’s vision is to provide quality products and services, backed with reliability to customers. We are looking for agents who have a passion for promoting GDN’s software to customers locally or overseas we would be interested in hearing from you.


Ram Inthra
Bangkok, 10120
Phone : (+66) 89 651 9955
E-mail : [email protected]



P.O. Box 268
Brisbane,4109 Queensland,
Phone : (+61) 447 555 000
Email : [email protected]

if you need more information regarding our service, Please give us the details of your inquiry through our form.



 2017 GDN. All Rights Reserved.

 2017 GDN. All Right Reserved.